Jakub Jarosz

Security, Systems & Network Automation

How I Got Interested In Time Blocking System

2025-01-12 Atomic Essay

I wouldn’t call myself an expert in efficient time management.

However, I have spent months reading and learning to improve my focus and eliminate distractions. And I have spent hundreds of hours practising mindfulness.

Here’s how I first got interested in focusing on what’s essential in life.

Some time ago, I took on several responsibilities and committed time to causes. I did it in both my personal and professional life. From that time, I almost immediately noticed how hard it was to keep up with my decisions. I didn’t wait long, until lack of quality sleep, rest and the state of being always on started biting me. I felt exhausted in the mornings before even starting the day. Double espressos stopped working. I knew the only way to keep sane was to revolutionise my life.

That’s when I came across Call Neport’s books. I read all of them. I started listening to his podcast. I felt like I was drinking from a firehose. Not only. I started implementing a time-blocking system and cutting time wasters. I did not wait too long to see the results.

So my goal over the next year is to build my mental monastery.

I enclose myself with walls, keeping at bay digital distractions and filtering online noise. I’m implementing the 12-week year living and working system. Each quarter, I have no more than 3 goals and focus on my spiritual, family and business goals. I know and feel urgency that every day, I need to push a needle in each goal in the right direction. I track daily actions that fill time blocks designated for specific, planned purposes. The rest ends up in the wastebasket.